Safetica – data loss prevention and insider risk management solutions to protect sensitive information

Safetica offers data loss prevention and insider risk management solutions to protect sensitive information. It provides tools for data discovery and classification, user activity monitoring, and insider threat detection. The platform helps businesses comply with regulations like GDPR, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and ISO/IEC 27001. Safetica ensures confidential data is not shared with unauthorised parties and aids in mitigating data security incidents through comprehensive monitoring and analytics

Safetica is a comprehensive Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Insider Risk Management solution designed to safeguard business-critical data against various security threats. The following are the key features and functionalities of Safetica:

1. Data Discovery and Classification: helps identify and classify sensitive data using its Unified Classification system. This includes analysing file content, origin, and properties to provide complete visibility and continuous monitoring of data, whether it is at rest or in motion. The solution also integrates with third-party classification systems and can detect sensitive data in image files using OCR technology.

2. Data Loss Prevention: protects sensitive data from being accidentally or intentionally leaked. It audits all data activities and provides visibility into how data is handled within an organisation. The solution can block risky applications, websites, and prevent data from being uploaded to unauthorised cloud storage or emailed outside the organisation.

3. Insider Risk Management: proactively detects and mitigates insider threats by monitoring user activities and identifying behavioral anomalies. It provides real-time alerts and reports on suspicious activities, helping organisations respond quickly to potential threats. The system also addresses non-malicious insider risks, such as human errors, and helps manage Shadow IT by identifying unauthorised applications and devices.

4. Cloud Data Protection: ensures the secure handling of data within cloud environments like Microsoft 365. It monitors file activities in cloud storage, conducts audits, and prevents unauthorised uploads of sensitive files. The solution supports seamless integration with cloud services to provide comprehensive protection.

5. Regulatory Compliance: assists organisations in complying with various data protection regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and ISO/IEC 27001. Provides audit capabilities, incident investigation support, and real-time alerts to ensure regulatory compliance and protect against data breaches.

Overall, Safetica helps businesses protect sensitive data, detect and prevent data breaches, manage insider risks, and comply with regulatory requirements, all while promoting security awareness among employees.

For more detailed information, you can visit or contact us for implementation and pricing information.